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Watercolor, Oils, Pastels


I have studied a wide variety of art mediums from ceramics to photography including oils, pastels, watercolors and stone carving.  At this point in my life, I feel most comfortable with watercolor. I love the free flow of the media, the non-labored expression you can achieve as you capture a mood. There is always an element of surprise when you paint with watercolors. Because of this, I choose not to get detailed with my work. I find myself happiest with a finished work when I have “left something out”- a piece of the puzzle that you the viewer need to fill in.


My subject matter is usually Landscape or Flora. Both of these subjects lend themselves to experimentation with color, mood and expression. This is what I believe makes watercolors fun and interesting for both the artist and the viewer.


I hope you like what you see!

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©2024 by Adirondack Art Association. Proudly created by Above Social


The Adirondack Art Association (AAA) is a 501c3 not-for-profit community organization located in Essex NY.  Originally started in 1963, the AAA formally received its New York State Certificate of Incorporation as a New York not-for-profit educational and cultural corporation in 1978.

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